I describe myself as a felt artist and particularly enjoy wet felting - often describing it as painting with wool. I have tried to reduce the carbon footprint by using more British breeds of wool as much as possible. Many interesting textures can be achieved by incorporating other fibres and embellishments. I love combining silk fabrics, either hand dyed or upcycled, with extra fine wool, a process called Nuno felting to make scarves, hats, bags and pots. More recently I have been ecoprinting my felt and upcycled clothes. Ecoprinting is a wonderful process of creating gorgeous, permanent prints in a health conscious and environmentally mindful way without using traditional powdered mordants. I run small, friendly felting workshops at my home in Portishead. I am a hobbyist, not a business woman, so do not have a website or facebook shop but if you wish to contact me you can telephone 07727 106219 or email [email protected].