DATE: SATURDAY, 23rd SEPTEMBER SESSION TIMES: 2.00PM • Family friendly screening of award-winning short films including ‘Stegosaurus’ and ‘Perspectives’; followed by a chat with director Barry Wilkinson about how ANYBODY can start making films at home. A great opportunity for budding film buffs of any age!
3.30PM • The first public screening of new film ‘41 Degrees North’ (running time 17 mins) followed by a discussion with the director about the making of the film. VENUE: BEACON HUB MEETING ROOM (go through cafe) PRICE: FREE; no booking necessary. SUITABLE FOR: All ages (accompanied children 7+)
Join award-winning filmmaker and director Barry Wilkinson for this fantastic opportunity to find out more about film making and becoming an award-winning film director. In these one-hour sessions, Barry will be screening a selection of his award-winning short films and explaining how he made them - and how YOU can get started in your own film career. An absolute must for anyone interested in film and budding film makers of all ages.
A multi-award-winning film-maker, Barry has produced, written and directed numerous short films which have gone on to win awards at a variety of national and international film festivals, and which have enjoyed screenings at several BAFTA-accredited film festivals. His most recent projects include the short fan film Stegosaurus (which enjoyed screenings at Comic Con in the US as well as having an IMAX screening at the 2022 Birmingham Film Festival), a covid-19 animation Shopping Trip (which screened at the BAFTA-accredited Aesthetica Film Festival in York in 2020) and Perspectives (screened at several national festivals and recently chosen for the British Library Archive by the BBC).
His films explore a variety of themes and genres - his love of nature, family and wildlife are key concepts that are often visited in a variety of ways and resonate well with audiences around the world