JANET HAIGH | APPLIED ARTISTJanet Haigh has lived with the painter Stephen Jacobson for more than 30 years in a house overlooking the Bristol Channel, situated where the Severn Estuary flows into a stretch of water referred to, on the old sea charts. as the Severn Sea. Their garden wall and the sea wall are one and the same.
Jacobson and Haigh met at Liverpool College of Art; thereafter Stephen continued to study painting at the Royal Academy Schools, whilst Janet worked as an illustrator and designer in the London fashion industry. Through sheer frustration at the creative confines of her working life, Janet began to hand stitch small-scale imaginary gardens. From these beginnings, both artists have continued to follow their individual creative paths, side by side. |
Janet’s works take time; usually several months of meticulous stitching. This painstaking approach results in an often slow and irregular output of finished work, making Janet’s return to the ArtPort Festival for a third year even more of a delight.
There will be an exhibition of original works, as well as new fine art giclee prints for sale, an innovation in Janet’s output which has given her the opportunity to revisit and assess some of her favourite pieces and also inspires new ones.
There will be an exhibition of original works, as well as new fine art giclee prints for sale, an innovation in Janet’s output which has given her the opportunity to revisit and assess some of her favourite pieces and also inspires new ones.